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Colour it Selfless – Junkanoo Group Turns Its Annual Donation from Leno Back to Students, Putting a Tablet in Young Members’ Hands

Leno Learning Link


When financial services provider Leno told Colours Junaknooers they intended to maintain their $10,000 annual sponsorship even though there is no parade this year because they know the work the group does in its community, Colours accepted the donation and turned it into tablets for students through the Leno Learning Link, a partnership with the Ministry of Education and ALIV.

Colours Leno Learning Link donation

Pictured from left to right are Colours Group Leader Chris Justilien, Colours dancer Nitroya Knowles, parents Nicoya and Troy Knowles and Colours drummer Zaavan Colebrooke. Photo by Amari Bethel for DPA.

Colour it Selfless – Junkanoo Group Turns Its Annual Donation from Leno Back to Students, Putting a Tablet in Young Members’ Hands

The leading financial planning, investment, trust and corporate services firm Leno has supported Colours Junkanoo group for six straight years.

This year with Junkanoo cancelled but Leno’s commitment intact, Colours gave the $10,000 donation away – using the funds to secure tablets for students in the popular Junkanoo group.

“When Leno said they wanted to continue with their support of Colours, knowing the work we do in the community, even though there is not going to be Junkanoo this year, we were reallly grateful because we knew many of our members were in urgent need of a tablet or learning device,” said Colours leader Chris Justilien. “We have students from primary straight up to university who are trying to get through the school year taking a course on their phone. Can you imagine what that is like?”

The generous donation came at a particularly sensitive time.

The group had just buried one of its longest-running female members, a marshal who contracted COVID, leaving behind a daughter who lost her job to the pandemic, and her granddaughter, less than a year old. They were evicted from their home as their mother began her struggle with the disease that has claimed more than 1.3 million deaths worldwide, including 155 in The Bahamas.

Leno founder and CEO Sean K Longley said there was never a question about continunig its support for Colours.

“Parade or not, this is about reaffirming confidence and trust in a group that has come to mean so much to its close-knit ommunity on Faith Avenue,” said Longley. “Colours is to be commended. They built their own centre that has become the heartbeat of the area whether it’s during Junkanoo season or summer. Kids always have a safe place to go, surrounded by good energy, creativity, a sense of purpose and most importantly, strong role models. We also applaud them for creating a virtual junkanoo performace which brought joy to many. You can watch the video on Youtube by searching Colours Junkanoo Bahamas.”

In September, Leno announced it would partner with the Ministry of Education, launching the Leno Learning Link national campaign to put a tablet in every child’s hand to enable distance learning.

It kicked off the campaign with a donation of $60,000. Since then, another $123,000 has been raised through the Leno Foundation which is also partnering with ALIV which is supplying tablets, myfi and connectivity at a reduced cost.

Minister of Education Jeffrey Lloyd has repeatedly thanked Leno and its corporate and individual donors, acknowledging that government with strained resources cannot “do this alone and we are extremely grateful to Leno and all those who have partnered and continue to partner in this important cause.”

About Leno, Nassau, Bahamas

Founded in 2010, Leno is a fully Bahamian-owned financial services corporation that provides sound financial, fiduciary and investment advisory solutions to individuals, employers, advisors & institutions.  Located in Pineapple Plaza, Bernard Road, Nassau, Bahamas, the company maintains assets of nearly $1 billion under management. Products and Services include Trust & Fiduciary Services, Asset Management, Group & Individual Retirement Plans, Investment Funds, Brokerage & Trading, College Savings, Accounting & Payroll and Financial Planning.

Visit www.lenobahamas.com

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